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Listeners say...
Listeners of this podcast appreciate the in-depth analysis and solid information provided by the hosts. They enjoy the lively discussions and genuine personalities of the hosts, who they describe as "warming hearts." The podcast is seen as a reliable and honest news source, with many listeners expressing gratitude for the unique perspectives and insights offered. Overall, the podcast is praised for its high quality content, engaging hosts, and positive impact on listeners.
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Thought provoking
I’m a skeptic and appreciate the conversation between Monica and Brad and the way they look behind the curtain. That said, Monica had a tendency to dominate the conversation and I often find myself annoyed that I didn’t get to hear Brad’s complete thought because she has jumped in. She also “corrects” him in what comes off as intellectually superior (maybe she is but she doesn’t need to act like it). I felt the comments about Rittenhouse in the last episode were obnoxious and rude. She called him DUMB and mocked his tears. At 18, he’s still a kid and in a very difficult situation - have some dignity, Monica.

The propaganda report
I’ve been an avid listener and following Monica and Brad for many years now. I became a fan when they were on WSB in Atlanta on the weekend. They are great folks and in the beginning they were quite thought provoking and entertaining but over the years they have been right on point the vast majority of the time. With all the chaos over the past couple years I’ve come to depend on Monica and Brad as my #1 source of truly unbiased information. They are the real thing and the genuine article. I’m grateful for all they do…

Loving it!
I just got done with you're September 30th episode and I love what you guys are doing! Can I join your show? 😂 fr tho.

Real news
Great show !

Excellent Source For Daily Propaganda
They have been all over this since Event 201!

Great show
Monica and Brad are great never over the top just informing and speek the truth.

Thank you
My husband kept talking about “his conspiracy gal” for a couple of years. I finally listened to some of your shows during the lock up and I have figured out that I am not Dem or Rep! I have not had time in the past (homeschooling mother of 4) to pay attention to the news. Now thanks to both Monica and Brad I am being challenged and really looking into “historical” events and current events!

Love the breakdown of narratives
The keeping of close observation and continuation of headline stories that are pushed in the news is very edifying and informative. This lets us the regular plebs see how the narrative is set up and morphs as time goes on. Monica and Brad do a great job working off of each other as they both use insights to figure out the agenda of the corporate mind programming media and better prepared us with knowledge and insight to combat it. We thank you for what y’all do and hope GOD will allow you to continue revealing the plans of the insidious state.

The Gold Standard
The Propaganda Report deserves way more than I pay in my monthly subscription for the quality and consistency of its content! In addition, the hosts are genuinely good people.

Great information
Monica and Brad provide a great way to make you think a little differently. I love listening to them daily.

Essential daily listening!
Real, incisive analysis with compassion, humor and honesty… a relieving breath of fresh air in our current environment. My favorite bit of daily listening. Many thanks to Monica and Brad for your efforts.

Gold Standard
Monica and Brad bring the heat when dissecting the daily news. This show is the gold standard in reviewing the daily propaganda being dispensed to the public

Monica is the best!
The Propaganda report is well titled - it shows you each day how the mass media is a propaganda machine.

Prop report
Great breakdown of daily news. Look forward to the show daily. Also enjoy the interviews.

The best
Always provide documentation to back up their arguments. This is what reporting should be.

This is my daily news podcast. It is informative and enlightening.

Bringing light to such dark news
I am an everyday listener. I usually listen while I cook dinner for my wife. Monica and Brad always illuminate the day’s happenings in a positive light, even when times can seem so tough. Knowledge is power!

Much appreciated
I appreciate new viewpoints and can highly recommend listening to this podcast to hear a different narrative of mainstream events

Love Your Pod!!!
You are my go to place for news. We love you in Northeast GA, where absolutely NO ONE voted for Biden(and I didn’t vote at all)!! Keep it up!!!

Love the free 30
I really love the free 30 but it’s just not enough! If at all possible, can you extend it to 45 minutes to dive deeper into the stories? Love you guys! Jim T

One of my favorites
Monica and Brad are lovable, intelligent, thoughtful and amazingly dedicated podcasters. For me, the style is perfect-dense with information and ideas, heavy topics dealt with seriously but with humor and a light heart. This is one of my few never miss podcasts

Fresh Air
factual talking points, so informative... I appreciate what you’re doing, guys! Gotta have my daily DNB every afternoon!

Unique take on things
I listen to a LOT of podcasts. I’m a truck driver and spend a good twelve to fourteen hours a day listening to shows at work and home. Your show has some info each day that I don’t hear anywhere else. And your views are similar to mine on a few controversial views. I think the last President was in on this, I ran across Operation Trust in my own research about four months ago and it led me down a rabbit hole that brought your show into view. Thank you!

They are the best!
I crave my daily prop report! I get happy just hearing the theme song, lol. It’s like getting getting together with friends and they have a different perspective from most everyone else. Really eye opening! I love them!

A much needed daily dose of sanity in a world gone crazy
This is the ONE show I listen to EVERY day. The hosts are great and the 30-minute (45-minutes for subscribers!) is something I can easily squeeze in to my busy schedule.

Always bringing the news of the day from a logical and balanced perspective day after day! Love you guys keep up the good work. - Joe from Legit Bat

Long time listener
Monica and Brad dive into the news of the day and explain the agenda behind the story. Monica is very insightful in her analysis, and often uncovers the connection between our modern day events. Brad Binkley is well educated in propaganda techniques, and he can spot the methods used by our power elite. As a long time listener, I can say they have been very enjoyable to listen to, but there analysis has proven correct most of the time. Which means I have been able to prepare mentally, emotionally, and economically for what’s around the corner.

Love this podcast
Patron of the show and well worth it….great insight on what’s behind the headlines!

Prop Report Rules
Hands down the best podcast out there. Monica and Brad are my go to source for the daily news. Concise, informed, and trustworthy.

Never miss an episode!
I really love this podcast. I listened to The Monica Perez Show on WSB and picked right up with the podcast. Monica and Brad make a solid balanced team and deliver such compelling content.